Thursday, October 28, 2010

LG Fashion Week - PART TWO (Chloe comme Parris)

Chloe comme Parris
Spring/Summer 2011

Patent: This being your first time [at LGFW] , what was your inspiration for the collection? 

Parris: The jewelry was inspired by modes of transportation and aesthetics that come along with travelling and the clothing was inspired by explorers and the texture of rocks. I handprinted a lot of the fabrics. I'm a textile artist so fabric design is really important to me. But I also use menswear as a starting point to my collection. I was looking at male explorers from the 14-and 1500s for detailing; but I always let my things just be modern. I always just take from the past and bring it forward and just mix-and-match things that I find and research, as well as things that come to me along the way.

Patent: You mentioned menswear, why particularly that genre?

Parris: Basically I've been a tomboy all my life. I wore my brother's bathing suits and all his clothes. I had men's haircuts when I was younger. I'm a tomboy so...I find it refreshing to see women in things that aren't skintight or revealing. There's something about menswear that is so classic that I just wanted to bring it over into womenswear. Women are always changing so much and I feel like I just want to create a new image for women.

Patent: In three words, how would you describe this collection. 

Chloe: Cool, effortless, chic.

Patent: This being your first time around, it must be surreal. But other than your show what has been the best thing about fashion week?

Chloe: We haven't had a chance to see anything yet. But that will be it, seeing the shows--what other designers are doing. We really want to see what else is out there and how other people put on a show.  Also working with the Fashion Collective, it's been so fun with them and they have amazing vision.

Patent: Who are you making your clothes for?

Parris: Definitely the effortlessly chic tomboy {laughter]. Someone who appreciates adorning themselves as works of art. But also appreciates subtlety and isn't obvious. Someone who has style and really knows themselves.

Patent: Fashion and society have always been intertwined. Given the fact that we're coming back from a global recession, what message is fashion trying to give to society?

Parris: That less is more. I see many lines coming down the runway with like 80 looks and 20 of them are good. We can edit. We don't have to send all these clothes down the runway. So definitely, less is more. Pick quality over quantity.

Patent: This year's theme being the 'Power of Style', how would you define that? 

Chloe: Women are becoming more and more powerful. Men are getting pushed to the back now. I feel that women are showing people that they can handle huge responsibilities. I  just think women are extremely powerful in today's society, I think that's what it's [the theme] trying to say.  

Parris: You shouldn't be afraid to show power through style.

Patent: Last question, if you could patent one thing, what would it be?

Parris: An oversized blouse, top, sweatshirt. An oversized garment.

Chloe: This tall bishop ring.


To see more of their collection go to

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