Sunday, October 31, 2010

LG Fashion Week - PART THREE (Marthe Aime)

Marthe Aime

Brother-sister team Barbara and Stephen Asei-Dantoni made their debut on Canadian soil at this year's fashion week. The Parisian duo tapped into their inner warrior to bring forth a timeless and romantic collection for S/S 11. A show filled with statement accessories, asymmetrical jackets and colours of the rainforest, the pair definitely accomplished their task of designing a well-recieved line. 

Patent: What was your inspiration?

Barbara: The Amazon woman. I wanted a woman that was close to nature and the organic elements. At the same time, I had to reflect transportation and the modern woman that lives in the city. So I had to make a connection between these two women and keep it feminine. 

Patent: Three  words that would define your collection.

Barbara: Organic. Keen. Timeless.

Patent: Fashion and society have always been intertwined. Given the fact that we're coming back from a global recession, what message is fashion trying to give to society?

Barbara: We are trying to explore new dress codes. The  accessory is becoming really important. Fashion is saying it's time to personalize your clothes, the idea is to find a good outfit and yourself and your personality; not by just putting on the clothes but arranging them to suit you. You can take the clothing further and have the liberty to enjoy. 

Stephen: As far as the way we put our show, we try to transmit a different message and way. Enjoy positivity. We don't want sad women. We want women who enjoy life. We want diversity. I think it's time to return to prosperity. It's 2010. It's time to have a different approach to fashion.

Patent: This year's theme being the 'Power of Style', how would you define that? 

Stephen: Be yourself. That's the power of style. To have an accessory and have it change what you're wearing and how you looking. Having the option to make it what you want, that's the power right there.

Barbara: I hate when people buy the trend and then get rid of it. Then buy again and get rid of it like kleenex. That's not power, it's consumption. Being timeless that's where the power of style is. Can a women wear this 5, 10, 15 years from now?

Patent: If you could patent one thing, what would it be?

Barbara: [laughter] What a question. I would bottle elegance.

Stephen: Ah oui, elegance.  

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