Our lovely Patent writer Brandi Styles went down to the D.E.V.A. Day Brunch yesturday and had a blast. She took a few photos and spoke to the founder of D.E.V.A. Elizabeth and Vanessa.
Patent dishes with D.E.V.A

L. to R.: D.E.V.A co-founders Vanessa Wheattle, Elizabeth Wilson and marketing director Melissa Cordelia
During the buzz, the dynamic duo that makes up D.E.V.A., Elizabeth Wilson and Vanessa Wheattle, sat and dished with Patent. Here’s what they had to say.
PM: What does D.E.V.A stand for?
EW: [laughter]. That’s the million dollar question of the day. D.E.V.A. stands for Devine, Exalted, Victorious and Angelic. We’re not saying that’s what we are, but that’s what we’re striving to be.
PM: How did you come up with this endeavour?
VW: For many years, it was something we wanted to do. We were both teen mothers and we went through a few things. Through our trials and tribulations, we were able to go out there and do things on our own. Originally, we started this organization as a way to help young mothers get access to resources and tools that we never had when we had our children. But it [later] became about helping all women and uplifting and empowering them.
PM: Well today has been a day with a lot of wonderful vendors, great food, motivational speakers. What was the impetus behind this?
EW: I believe that for both Vanessa and I, it has to do with our passion and love for women. What I mean by this is that we understand that women on a daily basis go through so much in every way—politically, from society, our relationships, our children, our careers, our everyday lives—it is not easy to be a woman. And we just believe and really want to put the message out there that as women we really need to come together. The last thing we need is problems from [other] women not supporting us, or putting each other down… We wanted to through this event to empower one another, uplift one another, network. There are so many entrepreneurs here. We saw it as a great chance to get to know each other and mingle and just embrace one another in the way that women are meant to be seen, as beautiful beings. We need to acknowledge that.
PM: It’s apparent that you have used this as a way for women to put themselves first. How important is that to you, especially seeing as the woman as the single mother, the career mom or even the stay-at-home mom is often the pinnacle of the household?
EW: What we believe is that as women our itinerary for the day hardly consists of taking care of ourselves. We wake up and if go. If it’s not the children, it’s a spouse. If it’s not a spouse, it’s a family. If it’s not the family, it’s the career or something else besides us. Even for this event, we had women who said “I don’t know if I have time, but I’ll try to make it.” That’s the problem. We are not making time for ourselves and why our relationships are failing, why we’re not going anywhere in our career, why we lose focus. We aren’t spending that time to pray, reflect, love ourselves, light some candles or even take a hot bath. We just go, go, go.
VW: And this behaviour soon starts to affect our children, husbands and friends. So being here, being able to let ourselves be, let’s them know that it’s ok to take time for you and enjoy life.
EW: And enjoy each other.
PM: Is it safe to say that the ‘alpha female’ has to have a balance?
VW: Yes. We need to relax.
PM: If there was one piece of advice that you could impart to the women you are trying to reach about finding the balance in loving themselves, being healthy in relationships, being fashionable and beautiful in their own right, what would it be?
EW: Believe in yourselves. When you sit at home alone and think, “I wish I was this or I wish I was that,” stop wishing and start doing…Put yourself first. And make sure that friend, boyfriend, or mother respects you and don’t settle for less. Tap into yourself and use your talents.
VW: Don’t think negatively about yourself and say that you can’t. Start changing the way you think and don’t let anybody hinder you from being the best “you,” you can be.
Thanks Elizabeth and Vanessa! You are the true embodiment of Patentistas!!!
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