1- I'm probably one of the loudest people I know, next to my dad.
2- Hate to admit it, but I judge most of the people I meet by their outfit
3- I always try to please others before pleasing myself
4- I LOVE kids
5- I enjoy having to work full time
6- I am probably one of the only kids I know who never ever had a dog
7- I don't wear over half the items in my closet
8- I have a really hard time at letting things go
9- I am very picky about what I read
10- I know my TTC bus schedule by heart
11- The Number 11 follows me, not kidding.
12- I'm an only child
13- I actually hated high school - who didn't?
14- I don't trust people easily, and I can lose my trust for them even easier.
15- My blackberry has been surgically attached to my hand - seriously.
16- I hate being alone
17- I'm always ready to have a heart to heart.
18- I just started blogging no more then 6 months ago - I'm an addict.
19- I treat people the way I want to be treated
20- I believe in the 2012 conspiracy
21- I want twins when I decided to have kids
22- Plant me anywhere on the subway/bus line; I can find my way around.
23- I get anxiety in cars
24- I really love big open minded people - but who doesn't?
25- I love the taste of beer, yes I can drink nonalcoholic beer.
I love it :)
- we have a lot in common
Hahaha thanks girl! That's good to hear, means we'll be great working partners!
- Gabriella
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