I personal think that they wanted to do something different and add some "Shock" appeal to this photo shoot. But I feel they did it the wrong way, it's pretty offensive in my opinion. Maybe if they had a different name then "Blackface" it would of been a different story.

What do you think, is it racy or racist?
- I think it's racist

Bianca- I don't feel it's racist but it kinda makes no sense. Why couldn't they just use a black models, then having the white girl looking ridiculous, like she has a well overdone tan.... lol. This could have been the perfect shoot for a black model to add to her portfolio.
My opinion......
I think racy.
It's like those race shoots that Tyra does, it shows our connection and how frivelous colour is. I appreciate these kinds of shoots but as long as it doesn't become the norm (for the reasons Patent suggested in her comment)
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