Friday, June 19, 2009


I feel like I need a CHANGE but the funny thing is that I don’t know what I need to change. I don’t know if I need to change some of my friends, my style, my attitude, how I view things etc. I ‘m not inspired or motivated for some reason either. I don’t know what it is, I feel like I need to get the hell out of TORONTO and go on vacation. I need to go somewhere that will inspire me and help me clear my head.




it doesnt matter who said...

seems like everyone is thinking that way...
where ever u go, make sure its warn and sunny =]

Anonymous said...

I don't really know you but from what you wrote it sounds like you can change your attitude, and the way you view things. Toronto is full of wonderful things to do, and people to do them with. You have to take more RISKS, try new things, open your mind up and allow life to take you on a wild ride. You can move or take a vacation but that wont mean you'll find what your looking for. Frist you must yourself and what make you happy and stick to it, stop following the norm, your a young black female theres a whole life out their just waiting for you TAKE ADVANTAGE.

The Patent Spot said...

well said, i really need to work on that. I have so many insecurities that sometimes its hard, but that you for commet


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