Friday, March 27, 2009


I’m new to the so called “SCENE” and I find it very interesting. There is a lot of people that are on a very high pedestal for no reason at all, people convince themselves to think that they are a celebrity *SIGH* its so sad because it’s a matter of time before they get a rude awakening. People in Toronto needs to get it together and understand that knowing a lot of people or pretending that you do something is not going to get you no where in life. Why can people find there true talent and just simply stick with that, why do people have to pick an occupation that is so called “cool” and pretend they do it (roll eyes). If you find something that you are talented at and you work on that, you would become unstoppable and then people would truly respect you based on your talent. You don’t need to pop bottles to prove you have money, you don’t have to be with the “it guy “ to prove you’re pretty, you don’t have to pretend your friends with someone because it’s a “good look” JUST BE YOURSELF and if you are truly talented at what you do, be humble about it because at the end of the day the people that admire your work would be the ones that would support you no matter what, so have respect for them.




Kimea said...

well said

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

What is your contact information?


Anonymous said...

I've just fell on your blog. I agree.
Much success to everything you guys are doing!

- angelo

rah said...

its like midnight and this made my day lool, 110 percent truth (unfortunately) lol anyways, i got nuff respect for u ladies..... best of luck to both of y'all:)

The Patent Spot said...

awww thanks

im glad, im not the only one


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