Here are the pictures from the release party of Gifty Singh's first independent album Lovestreet. Gifty reached out to us, to put together do a fashion show and we chose to feature REESE Couture.
s Interview Patent's Brenda Ha had the pleasure of interviewing Reese to find out where she got her inspiration from for her collection and what her plans are for the future.
PM: How long have you had this passion for fashion?I’ve been interested in having a line of some sort whether or not I was sewing ever since I was in high school, even though I barely showed up to my classes. I loved going to fashion class, my fashion teacher just didn’t love me, so we always butt heads.
PM: What was your main inspiration that pushed you in this direction?I’m going to be honest with you. I never really thought that I would get into fashion as heavily as I have. I loved it, I always loved putting things together, just being creative, even taking some of my older clothes and making it into something totally new, but I mainly started because of the fact that hey, I’m not rich. I’d love to shop every week, but I can’t. So it started from my birthday dress, digging up my fashion binder and making it. I remember how much I loved it [fashion]; the excitement of being creative and just do me whether or not someone likes it. So I went back into it that way.
PM: What were some expectations going into your first fashion show on Saturday?My worries were mainly time. Time was the enemy. My expectations? I didn’t really have any because I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve modeled in fashion shows; I’ve been to fashion shows, but I’ve never really been behind the scenes putting it all together, especially being the one who’s putting out the pieces. So I didn’t know what to expect. Time was definitely my enemy.
PM: What were your inspirations for the pieces you made for Saturday?How I go about each piece, I just go fabric shopping. It’s mainly the fabric that inspired me to make what you guys saw. It’s the fabric and a lot of vogue.
PM: How did you feel after it was all finished?When the fashion show ended, I didn’t know what happened out there because I didn’t see anything. I didn’t even hear any feedback yet and I just looked at my girls’ [the models] faces and because everything was so rushed, I was kinda scared. I didn’t know what to expect. I thought it didn’t go well. I thought it was just a hot mess, especially the fact that we changed the music and there were just so many glitches. Then my family and friends came up to me and told me that it was good, which eased it a bit. I was still irritated a bit by the fact that it didn’t go the way I wanted it to.
PM: What were some lessons you learned?To organize a lot better and to plan for the worst. I had a good team but it wasn’t big enough. I let half my team go watch the show and half my team stayed back; I should’ve had my entire team with me. I should’ve had both makeup artists there, instead of one leaving and one staying. I should’ve had rehearsal from way before not just one rehearsal and then rehearsal on the day of. I had a couple of models drop out and I thought that I’d be fine with six and I wasn’t. There was a lot that I learned from my team and myself.
PM: What can we expect to see from Reese Couture in the future?I don’t want to give anything away but I’m planning for another show December 18th and I’m also planning a launch party which no one really knows about. So basically everything is just going to be brand new.

